Gender Pay Gap Report 2024

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Komatsu UK Ltd – Gender Pay Gap Reporting

What is the Gender Pay Gap?

The gender pay gap is the average difference between the remuneration for men and women in an organisation, irrespective of their roles. In the UK, all employers with more than 250 employees are legally required to report their Gender Pay Gap.

How is Gender Pay Gap different to Equal Pay? 

Equal Pay requires that men and women who carry out the same or similar jobs or work of equal value, are paid the same.

We are confident that men and women at KUK are paid on equal terms for performing the same job across the Company. Where men and women are in the same role, women are earning the same as their male colleagues.

At KUK we want to attract and retain the best people regardless of their background, race, ethnicity or gender and all have an equal opportunity to achieve their potential.

How is the Gender Pay Gap calculated?

The Mean
The Mean Gender Pay Gap is an average. It is calculated by adding together the relevant payments to all male employees and dividing by the total number of male employees. The same calculation is done for all female employees. The Mean Gender Pay Gap is the difference between the mean figures for men and women.

The Median
The Median Gender Pay Gap is calculated by listing all male and female employees’ wages from highest to lowest and comparing the number that sits in the middle for each. The difference in pay between the two individuals is the Median Pay Gap figure. 

What data is used to calculate Komatsu’s Gender Pay Gap Report?

Komatsu’s Gender Pay Gap Report 2023 analysis is based on data as at 5th April 2024. 
The legislation provides clear guidance on what is to be included in the calculations. In accordance with the Gender Pay Gap Reporting definitions, at Komatsu UK Ltd, these are as follows:


What is included


Normal basic gross pay
Shift Allowance
Car Allowance payments


Bonus payments
Quality Circle Awards
Techno Olympic Awards
Long Service Awards
Employee Recognition Awards


Gender Pay Gap Reporting 

   Mean  Median 
Pay Gap  -1.97% -6.57%
Bonus Gap  72.46%  -93.93%


The table above shows Komatsu UK’s overall mean and median gender pay gap based on hourly rates of pay and the mean and median difference between bonuses paid to men and women at Komatsu UK in the year up to 5th April 2024.

The UK National Gender Pay Gap in 2023 was 14.3% in favour of men. 

Komatsu UK’s approach to pay is gender neutral and our analysis shows that our pay gap is driven by the structure of our workforce. Relevant factors include the number of women who work in engineering and manufacturing (this explains the gender pay data) and a higher proportion of male employees in the most senior positions in the Company (this explains the bonus situation).

The mean and Median hourly pay gap


The above chart on the left shows the mean hourly pay for women is £24.49 and for men is £24.01, with the difference being £0.48.

The above chart on the right shows the median hourly pay for women is £21.86 and for men is £20.51, with the difference being £1.35.

Proportion of employees awarded a bonus


The above chart on the left shows 30% of men received a bonus compared to 35% of women, as shown in the chart on the right.

Gender distribution


% Female

% Male
 Lower Quartile


 Lower Middle Quartile  6.67%  93.33%
 Upper Middle Quartile  8.49%  91.51%
 Upper Quartile  11.93%  88.07%

The data above illustrates the gender distribution across four equally sized quartiles, with the majority of women situated in the Upper Middle to Upper Quartile. Overall women represent 7.88% of Komatsu UK Ltd employees.

The Future

Komatsu UK is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive place to work, This is fundamental to our continued success.

The Company introduced a two-year Diversity and Inclusion Strategy in 2022 to provide opportunities and targets to increase our Gender Diversity. The aims of our strategy are:

Workplace Diversity: Recruit from a diverse, qualified group of candidates to increase diversity of thinking and perspective.

Workplace Inclusion: Foster a culture that encourages collaboration, flexibility and fairness to enable all employees to contribute to their potential and increase retention.

Sustainability and Accountability: Identify and breakdown systemic barriers to full inclusion by embedding diversity and inclusion in Policies and Procedures and equipping Line Managers with the ability to manage diversity and be accountable for the results.

Statement of Accuracy

I confirm that the information included in this report is accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Katie O’Brien
General Manager – Human Resources
June 2024